Wiki source for TableMarkupReference
=====Wikka Table Markup Reference=====
>>==See also:==
~-For an informal introduction to this markup and several examples check the [[TableMarkup Wikka Table Markup Guide]].
==== 1. Table Markup Scheme ====
The generic markup for table elements follows this scheme:
~**##{{color fg="#F00" text="|*|"}}{{color fg="blue" text="(attribute parameters)"}}{{color fg="green" text="{style parameters}"}}content{{color fg="#F00" text="||"}}##**
~##""|=|(i:main_heading){text-size: 120%}This is the main heading||""##
===Understanding the Table Markup Scheme===
~1)**Opening delimiter** --- **##{{color fg="#F00" text="|*|"}}##** is any of the delimiters described in the //elements table// below.
~1)**Attributes** --- **##{{color fg="blue" text="(attribute parameters)"}}##** is an optional series of ##parameter:value## declarations enclosed in brackets. Valid parameters are described in the //attribute table// below. Multiple parameter declarations can be separated with a semicolon (**##;##**).
~1)**Style** --- **##{{color fg="green" text="{style parameters}"}}##** is an optional series of CSS style declarations enclosed in braces. Multiple style declarations can be separated with a semicolon (**##;##**).
~1)**Content** --- **##content##** can be any valid content for that element (including [[TextFormatting formatted text]]).
~1)**Closing delimiter** --- **##{{color fg="#F00" text="||"}}##** is the standard delimiter.
Some elements are //self closing// and do not accept any attributes, style parameters or content. See the notes in the //elements table// below.
==== 2. Elements ====
|!|{width: 80%}||
|?|Table Elements||
|=|""XHTML Elements""|=|Delimiter|=|Notes||
||##<table>##||##""|!|""##||Optional, only useful for adding attributes. **Must** be first in table markup if used. Should be on a line by itself.||
||##<col />##||##""|-|""##||Selfclosing - must not be closed!||
||##<tr>##||none||Will be opened for each row of table cells.||
==== 3. Attributes ====
|?|Table Attributes||
|=|Attribute|=|Markup key||
|=|Attribute|=|Markup key||
|=|(x:2)Table cells||
|=|(x:2)Other Table elements||
>>==See also:==
~-For an informal introduction to this markup and several examples check the [[TableMarkup Wikka Table Markup Guide]].
==== 1. Table Markup Scheme ====
The generic markup for table elements follows this scheme:
~**##{{color fg="#F00" text="|*|"}}{{color fg="blue" text="(attribute parameters)"}}{{color fg="green" text="{style parameters}"}}content{{color fg="#F00" text="||"}}##**
~##""|=|(i:main_heading){text-size: 120%}This is the main heading||""##
===Understanding the Table Markup Scheme===
~1)**Opening delimiter** --- **##{{color fg="#F00" text="|*|"}}##** is any of the delimiters described in the //elements table// below.
~1)**Attributes** --- **##{{color fg="blue" text="(attribute parameters)"}}##** is an optional series of ##parameter:value## declarations enclosed in brackets. Valid parameters are described in the //attribute table// below. Multiple parameter declarations can be separated with a semicolon (**##;##**).
~1)**Style** --- **##{{color fg="green" text="{style parameters}"}}##** is an optional series of CSS style declarations enclosed in braces. Multiple style declarations can be separated with a semicolon (**##;##**).
~1)**Content** --- **##content##** can be any valid content for that element (including [[TextFormatting formatted text]]).
~1)**Closing delimiter** --- **##{{color fg="#F00" text="||"}}##** is the standard delimiter.
Some elements are //self closing// and do not accept any attributes, style parameters or content. See the notes in the //elements table// below.
==== 2. Elements ====
|!|{width: 80%}||
|?|Table Elements||
|=|""XHTML Elements""|=|Delimiter|=|Notes||
||##<table>##||##""|!|""##||Optional, only useful for adding attributes. **Must** be first in table markup if used. Should be on a line by itself.||
||##<col />##||##""|-|""##||Selfclosing - must not be closed!||
||##<tr>##||none||Will be opened for each row of table cells.||
==== 3. Attributes ====
|?|Table Attributes||
|=|Attribute|=|Markup key||
|=|Attribute|=|Markup key||
|=|(x:2)Table cells||
|=|(x:2)Other Table elements||