Wiki source for TraffordMetrovickRugbyandCricketClub
===The Trafford Metrovick Rugby and Cricket Club===
""MacPherson"" Park
Finneybank Road
Sale, Cheshire
M33 6LR
Telephone: 0161 973 7061
Map and navigation details:
{{image class="center" alt="Map of Trafford Metrovick Rugby and Cricket club" title="Details of Trafford Metrovick Rugby and Cricket Club" url="images/metrovick.gif" link=""}}
""MacPherson"" Park
Finneybank Road
Sale, Cheshire
M33 6LR
Telephone: 0161 973 7061
Map and navigation details:
{{image class="center" alt="Map of Trafford Metrovick Rugby and Cricket club" title="Details of Trafford Metrovick Rugby and Cricket Club" url="images/metrovick.gif" link=""}}