Revision [109]

This is an old revision of ForthcomingMeetings made by StevePotts on 2008-01-27 17:34:27.


Forthcoming Meetings

Next meeting: 20th February 2008
Time: 7 for 7.30pm start

Venue: TraffordMetrovickRugbyandCricketClub
Cost: Free

Subject: Cash Book - Home accounts program

This month we're going to take a brief look at Steve Fryatt's Cashbook application, initially on the A9Home to investigate a possible issue one user has had with this software and hardware combination.

Also at the meeting we may be taking a look at a user's A7000 machine and performing a little maintenance. Additionally, we've recently acquired some hardware and software for which we've been asked to find good homes and donate proceeds to charity, so we're hoping to make this available to members - please bring along a little money if you may be interested in bargain software / hardware.

Future meetings:
19th March 2008 - TBA
23rd April 2008 - TBA
21st May 2008 - TBC
18th June 2008 - TBA
23rd July 2008 - TBA
20th August 2008 - TBA
17th September 2008 - TBA
22nd October 2008 - TBA
19th November 2008 - TBA
24th Decmber 2008? - Christmas meeting

Contact: JohnCartmell

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