Revision [110]

This is an old revision of ForthcomingMeetings made by StevePotts on 2008-03-17 14:05:38.


Forthcoming Meetings

Next meeting: 19th February 2008
Time: 7 for 7.30pm start

Venue: TraffordMetrovickRugbyandCricketClub
Cost: Free

Subject: Programming - What's involved
This month we're going to discuss the practicalities of programming, tools used, concepts and how different people go about programming.

Future meetings:
23rd April 2008 - TBA
21st May 2008 - TBC
18th June 2008 - TBA
23rd July 2008 - TBA
20th August 2008 - TBA
17th September 2008 - TBA
22nd October 2008 - TBA
19th November 2008 - TBA
24th Decmber 2008? - Christmas meeting

Contact: JohnCartmell

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