Revision [186]

This is an old revision of ForthcomingMeetings made by StevePotts on 2011-02-20 12:45:30.


Forthcoming Meetings

Next meeting: 19th January 2011
Time: 7:15 for 7.30pm start

Venue: TraffordMetrovickRugbyandCricketClub
Cost: Free

Subject: An in depth look at the RISC OS Boot sequence

This month we'll be looking at the RISC OS Boot sequence and digging around inside it, discussing how it works and helping people understand what happens at startup. Primary focus will be on the most recent version supplied with RISC OS 6, as this will be what's running on the demonstration machine, but much of the discussion will be relevant to other versions also.

Future meetings:

16th March 2011 - TBA
20th April 2011 - TBA
18th May 2011 - TBA
15th June 2011 - TBA
20th July 2011 - TBA
17th August 2011 - TBA
21st September 2011 - TBA
19th October 2011 - TBA
16th November 2011 - TBA
21st December 2011 - TBA

Contact: JohnCartmell

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